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06 Agustus 2011


It's been so long enough since my last post. I don't really like how the last post could remind me of past, of hurts. But written history will be so precious in the next life. *forcing smile*

There are so so so many story to tell, if I could type a whole day long, think it still not enough to finish all stories, so I decide to tell ya the red line. And there are few things which can't be described by words. It's how I finally found.......*sealed mouth* ;P

Sekarang gue udah kelas XI!! XI IA 2. Sesungguh-sungguhnya gue males banget tadinya masuk kelas ipa. Gue ngebayangin kelasnya nggak akan pecah. But thank God, ternyata nggak yang kayak gue duga. They're crazy! Maybe it's the impact coz indoctrinated by formula and Latin language almost everyday haha.

Mohon doanya biar gue tahan di kelas IPA dengan otak yang kelewat brilian sampe-sampe susah banget ngerti apa itu GGL pada listrik dinamis-_____-

Mumumumumu udah dulu ah haha. Apapun yang terjadi..
Make your life worth to love <3